We offer and organise trips, business meetings, teambuilding, workshops, training and other activities.
Programmes and activities
Hiter tempo življenja nam ves čas nalaga vedno več nalog, dela in obveznosti, zato je pomembno, da se znamo občasno ustaviti, zadihati in se umiriti. Kot nalašč zato so nam na voljo neokrnjen narava, svež zrak in gibanje. Med skritimi biseri Slovenije je prav zagotovo Kostel, ki obiskovalcu ponudi vse našteto in še mnogo več - šport, bogato kulturno in naravno dediščino.
current treks
We organise trips to the most beautiful corners of Slovenia where you are guaranteed to discover something new. One-day trips can be a wonderful idea for spending the day discovering the hidden corners of Slovenia.
Bespoke holiday
Customise your own holiday. You can choose from different activities in beautiful nature. The luxury of nature and stillness will definitely fulfil the expectations of every visitor. We will make sure you experience the Kostel adventures as something unforgettable that will keep you coming back. You will get to experience the lushness of nature and opportunities for sports and leisure activities as well as local cuisine and hospitality.
How to make sure your business partners return home with unforgettable memories along with the usual heaps of information? A cosy environment, lush nature and our wide array of adventures provide perfect motivational environment for business meetings of few participants or smaller businesses. We customise the programme to your needs and wishes and we can guarantee you will find something that will make your event more interesting and will overlap the story of your business. Be spoiled in the best local style with a hint of social activity and fun. Avantura Kostel takes care of all the required equipment.
s posluhom
Vsako uspešno podjetje je družina v malem. Vsak član je individuum, s svojo zgodbo, cilji, a vsi predani skupni viziji, poslanstvu. Na poti do odličnih rezultatov je potrebna učinkovita komunikacija, medsebojno spoštovanje in sodelovanje ter konstruktivno reševanje težav. Zagotovo je plane najlažje delati v mirnem okolju, kjer se zlahka združi prijetno s koristnim. Tesno prepletanje poslovne in izkustvene dejavnosti zaposlene dodatno povežejo, jim prebudijo timski potencial, okrepijo medsebojno komunikacijo ter sodelovanje, obenem pa se okrepijo vezi, ki so še posebej pomembne za uspešno premagovanje poslovnih preprek. V Avanturi Kostel verjamemo v osebni pristop, zato skupaj z vami z veseljem načrtujemo program aktivnosti izven pisarniških prostorov, v mirnem okolju sredi nedotaknjenega bisera- Kostela.
We take care of the equipment
How to make sure your business partners return home with unforgettable memories along with the usual heaps of information? A cosy environment, lush nature and our wide array of adventures provide perfect motivational environment for business meetings of few participants or smaller businesses. We customise the programme to your needs and wishes and we can guarantee you will find something that will make your event more interesting and will overlap the story of your business. Be spoiled in the best local style with a hint of social activity and fun. Avantura Kostel takes care of all the required equipment.
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